B.Sc of Dental surgery - (2014)
University Compulsory Req. (16) Hours:
Line No.CodeCourseHoursPrerequisiteTeaching Method 
801012ARB101 arabic language 3---Blended
811111ENG111 english language (1) 3On Campus
811121ENG112 english language(2) 3On Campus
821000HSS100 culture and university behavior 1---Electronic Course
841000MS100 military sciences 3---Blended
1741000CIs100 computer skills 3---Electronic Course

University Elective Req. (9) Hours:
Line No.CodeCourseHoursPrerequisiteTeaching Method 
181030PH103 environment protection( 3---On Campus
181040PH104 community health and nutrition 3---Electronic Course
182002PH200 first aid 3On Campus
221910CHE191 introduction to the nanotechnology 3---On Campus
251020ME102 introduction to renewable energy (for non mechanical engineering students) 3---Electronic Course
252114ME211 introduction automobile mechanics 3Blended
301041PHAR104 drugs & medicinal plants in jordan 3---On Campus
612000AP200 farm animal products and production (for non agriculture and veterinary students) 3Electronic Course
622000PP200 home gardens (for non agriculture students) 3Electronic Course
622010PP201 bee keeping (for non agriculture students) 3Electronic Course
622020PP202 natural plants of jordan (for non agriculture students) 3---Electronic Course
642000NR200 natural resources and man (for non agriculture students) 3On Campus
642070NR207 planet earth problems & solutions (for non agriculture students) 3On Campus
802000ARB200 appreciation of literary texts 3---Electronic Course
821001HSS100NUR health promotion (for non medicine ,nursing and midwifery students) 3Electronic Course
821002HSS100O.T disability and the society(not allowed for rehabilition science dep.students) 3Electronic Course
821003HSS100P.T wellness and life styles (not for physical & occupational therapy) 3Blended
821032HSS103 the palestinian issue 3---Electronic Course
821051HSS105NUR quality control infection control and patient safety 3Electronic Course
821090HSS109NUR family health 3Electronic Course
821121HSS112 al hadith al shareef 3---On Campus
821130HSS113 faith 3---On Campus
821140HSS114 fekeh 3---On Campus
821150HSS115 islam and recent problems 3---On Campus
821160HSS116 economic system in islam 3---Electronic Course
821211HSS121 principles of sociology 3Blended
821220HSS122 intr to anthropology 3---On Campus
821230HSS123 introduction to educational science 3---On Campus
821240HSS124 education system in jordan 3---On Campus
821250HSS125 intr to philosophy 3---On Campus
821260HSS126 principles of psychology 3Blended
821270HSS127 educational technology 3---On Campus
821280HSS128 national education 3---On Campus
821311HSS131 islamic civilization 3---Electronic Course
821321HSS132 the history of the city of jerusalem 3---Blended
821330HSS133 civilization and recent cultures 3---On Campus
821340HSS134 human rights basic liberties 3---On Campus
821350HSS135 islamic culture 3---Electronic Course
821360HSS136 the law in our life 3---Electronic Course
821370HSS137 human rights 3---Electronic Course
821411HSS141 introduction to economics 3---Blended
821420HSS142 library and information research 3---On Campus
821511HSS151 introduction to management sciences 3---Blended
821531HSS153 islam and contemporary challenges 3---Electronic Course
821611HSS161 contemporary problems 3---Blended
821660HSS166 man and science 3---On Campus
821770HSS177NF food preservation "in english" (for non nutrition and food technology students) 3Electronic Course
821820HSS182 studies on women 3---On Campus
822111HSS211VM animal health (not for veterinary medical and agriculture students) 3Electronic Course
822120HSS212 arab society 3---On Campus
822121HSS212VM pet animal care 3Electronic Course
822130HSS213 individual and society 3---Blended
822133HSS213VM animal behaviour and welfare 3Electronic Course
822141HSS214VM animal products and public health(for non veterinary students) 3Electronic Course
822160HSS216 international global issues 3---On Campus
822220HSS222 creativity and problems solving 3---On Campus
822240HSS224 leadership and comm. skills 3---Electronic Course
822310HSS231 history of sciences in islam 3---Electronic Course
822410HSS241 economy in the third world 3---On Campus
822420HSS242 information and research 3---On Campus
822500HSS250 the history of music 3---On Campus
822511HSS251 music tasting 3---On Campus
823010HSS301 principles of enterpreneurship 3---On Campus
824290HSS429 the science of children behavior 3---On Campus
971030ES103 environment protection (for non environmental sciences students) 3---On Campus
2511050LG105 basic french language 3Blended
2511060LG106 basic german language 3On Campus

Faculty Compulsory Req. (188) Hours:
Line No.CodeCourseHoursPrerequisiteTeaching Method 
101231MED123A human physiology for students of dentistry 3Blended
101232MED123B human physiology lab for students of dentistry 1Blended
102113MED211A molecular genetics 3---Blended
102152MED215A general anatomy & embryology 3---Blended
102153MED215B general anatomy & embryology (lab) 1---Blended
102162MED216 general histology 4---Blended
102163MED216 general histology (lab) 0Blended
102172MED217A head and neck anatomy 3---Blended
102173MED217B head and neck anatomy (lab) 1---On Campus
102310MED231 general pathology 3---Blended
102311MED231 general pathology (lab) 0On Campus
102320MED232 immunology 3Electronic Course
102650MED265 general microbiology 3---On Campus
102651MED265 general microbiology (lab) 0Electronic Course
103140MED314 clinical psychology 3---Electronic Course
103150MED315 systemic pathology 3---Blended
103160MED316 communication skills 3---Blended
103230MED323 basic emergency care 1---Electronic Course
103514MED351 general pharmacology 3---Blended
103730MED373 general internal medicine 2---Blended
103740MED374 general surgery & anaesthesia 2---Blended
103910MED391 biostatistics 2---Electronic Course
502012DENT201 dental anatomy and occlusion 3On Campus
502013DENT201 dental anatomy and occlusion lab 0On Campus
502022DENT202 oral physiology 1---On Campus
502040DENT204 oral histology and embryology 4---Blended
502041DENT204 oral histology and embryology (lab) 0On Campus
502400DENT240 fundamentals of dental caries 1---Electronic Course
502500DENT250 oral radiology i 1---Electronic Course
503112DENT311 basic infection control measures 1---Electronic Course
503150DENT315 dental ethics and jurisprudence 1---Electronic Course
503170DENT317 dental therapeutics 1---Electronic Course
503200DENT320 introduction to clinical dentistry 1---Blended
503300DENT330 paediatric dentistry i 2---Blended
503301DENT330 paediatric dentistry i(lab) 0On Campus
503412DENT341 dental materials i 2---Electronic Course
503422DENT342 dental materials ii 1---Electronic Course
503432DENT343 operative dentistry 3---On Campus
503433DENT343 operative dentistry(lab) 0On Campus
503442DENT344 endodontics 3---On Campus
503443DENT344 endodontics(lab) 0On Campus
503500DENT350 oral diagnosis 1---Electronic Course
503512DENT351 oral radiology ii 2---Electronic Course
503524DENT352 preclinical oral diagnosis and oral radiology 1---Blended
503550DENT355 oral pathology (1) 3---Blended
503551DENT355 oral pathology (1) 0Blended
503560DENT356 oral pathology (2) 3---Blended
503561DENT356 oral pathology 2 (lab) 0Blended
503611DENT361 removable prosthodontics i 3---On Campus
503614DENT361 removable prosthodontics i(lab) 0On Campus
503620DENT362 removable prosthodontics ii 3---On Campus
503621DENT362 removable prosthodontics ii(lab) 0Blended
503700DENT370 periodontology i 2---Blended
503701DENT370 periodontology i(lab) 0On Campus
503813DENT381 dental anesthesia and sedation 1---Electronic Course
504110DENT411 oral epidemiology 1---Electronic Course
504120DENT412 preventive dentistry 2---Electronic Course
504200DENT420 comprehensive dental care i 5---On Campus
504315DENT431 paediatric dentistry ii 2---Blended
504316DENT431 paediatric dentistry ii(lab) 0On Campus
504322DENT432 paediatric dentistry iii 2---Blended
504323DENT432 paediatric dentistry iii(lab) 0On Campus
504452DENT445 conservative dentistry i 4---Blended
504453DENT445 conservative dentistry i(lab) 0On Campus
504462DENT446 conservative dentistry ii 3---Blended
504463DENT446 conservative dentistry ii(lab) 0On Campus
504531DENT453 clinical oral diagnosis/ clinical oral radiology i 1---On Campus
504540DENT454 clinical oral diagnosis/ clinical oral radiology ii 1---On Campus
504561DENT456 oral medicine i 1---Electronic Course
504631DENT463 removable prosthodontics iii 3---Blended
504632DENT463 removable prosthodontics iii(lab) 0On Campus
504640DENT464 removable prosthodontics iv 2---Blended
504641DENT464 removable prosthodontics iv(lab) 0On Campus
504651DENT465 fixed prosthodontics 1---Blended
504660DENT466 pre-clinical fixed prosthodontics i 2---On Campus
504712DENT471 periodontology (2) 2---Blended
504713DENT471 periodontology (2) lab 0On Campus
504722DENT472 periodontology (3) 2---Blended
504724DENT472 periodontology (3) lab 0On Campus
504832DENT483 oral surgery i 2---Blended
504833DENT483 oral surgery i(lab) 0On Campus
504841DENT484 oral surgery ii 2---Blended
504842DENT484 oral surgery ii(lab) 0On Campus
504912DENT491 orthodontics (1) 2---Blended
504913DENT491 orthodontics (1) lab 0On Campus
504921DENT492 orthodontics (2) 2---Blended
504923DENT492 orthodontics (2) lab 0On Campus
505130DENT513 research project 2---Blended
505131DENT513 research project(lab) 0Blended
505160DENT516 dental practice management 1---Blended
505181DENT518 oral implantology 1---Blended
505212DENT521 comprehensive dental care ii 2---On Campus
505222DENT522 comprehensive dental care iii 2---On Campus
505242DENT524 community dentistry 3---Blended
505243DENT524 community dentistry(lab) 0Blended
505330DENT533 paediatric dentistry iv 2---Blended
505331DENT533 paediatric dentistry iv(lab) 0On Campus
505340DENT534 paediatric dentistry v 1---On Campus
505400DENT540 aesthetic dentistry 1---Blended
505470DENT547 conservative dentistry iii 3---Blended
505471DENT547 conservative dentistry iii(lab) 0On Campus
505480DENT548 conservative dentistry iv 2---On Campus
505550DENT555 oral medicine (2) 2---Blended
505551DENT555 oral medicine (2) (lab) 0On Campus
505560DENT556 oral medicine (3) 1---On Campus
505670DENT567 prosthodontics i 3---Blended
505671DENT567 prosthodontics i(lab) 0On Campus
505680DENT568 prosthodontics ii 2---On Campus
505730DENT573 periodontology iv 2---Blended
505731DENT573 periodontology iv(lab) 0On Campus
505741DENT574 periodontology v 1---On Campus
505850DENT585 oral and maxillofacial surgery (1) 2---Blended
505851DENT585 oral and maxillofacial surgery (1) (lab) 0On Campus
505860DENT586 oral and maxillofacial surgery (2) 2---Blended
505861DENT586 oral and maxillofacial surgery (2) 0On Campus
505930DENT593 orthodontics iii 1---On Campus
505940DENT594 orthodontics iv 1---On Campus
821033HSS103BT general biology 3On Campus
821035HSS103PHY general physics 3On Campus
821036HSS103CHEM general chemistry 3On Campus
822170HSS217CHEM organic chemistry 3Blended
911072CHEM107 general chemistry lab 1Blended
912620CHEM262 biochemistry 3---Electronic Course
912660CHEM266 biochemistry (lab) 1---Blended
931070BIO107 general biology lab 1On Campus