1- Alumini Survey :
Alumni Survey PEOs_2019.pdf
Appendix_F-Alumni PEOs (2014-2016).pdf
Appendix_F-Alumni Survey SOs (2017-2019).pdf
Aumuni Survey SLOs_2019.pdf
2- Employer Survey:
The employer in this survey will rate the abilities, attributes, and skills that JUST has equipped its students with. FIRST, he/she will indicate the degree of importance of each relative to his/her needs, SECOND, he/she will rate how JUST has prepared its students in each.
Employer Survey PEOS_2019.pdf
3- Graduation Exit Survey:
This survey is designed to get the graduate opinion on the curriculum of the department. The information he/she provides will help us improve the engineering education at JUST.
Exit Survey_2019 (1).pdf
4- Industrial Training Survey:
This survey indicates the corresponding level of performance of the JUST Engineering trainees in the industrial supervisor division, for each of different abilities, attributes, and skills.
Industrial Training Survey_2019.pdf
5- Graduates Studies Survey
Graduates studies advsiors Survey PEOs_2019.pdf