Title Esthetic prosthodontics 2
Course Arabicname
Course Code TDEN 462
Course Credithours 2
Course Department 52
Course Description

This Undergraduate two credit hours course is a totally practical course held in the Dental Health Center. In this course the students gain more training and experience in constructing the various adhesive and all ceramic restorations and deal with
more patient cases.

The students work in a real-work environment and are encouraged to apply their previous knowledge to fabricate the prostheses mentioned above.



Course Faculty 4
Course Linenumber 514621
Course Name Esthetic prosthodontics 2
Course Syllabus Visible Yes
Course Type
Course Visible Yes
Course Syllabus https://www.just.edu.jo/FacultiesandDepartments/FacultyofAppliedMedScs/Depts/AppliedDentalSciences/Documents/02Syllabi/DT_syllabi/TDEN%20462%20-%20Esthetic%20Prosthodontics%20(II)%20Syllabus.pdf
Lab Dental Technology Laboratory 1; Dental Technology Laboratory 2